Monday, September 14, 2020

Brief History of Baptong village and importance of Yuelkang Lhakhang.

Baptong Village.

Baptong village is located under Khoma Gewong and its original name is Ba’i Tong (meaning seen by cow). People of that village believes that, once the cow from Tashi Yangtse was lost and people came searching for their cow. Finally they reach to Yuelkang where present Lhakhang was located and saw their cow at that place. After that they felt that it could be better if they settle at this place and hence they came with their family and settled at this place. Since the place saw first seen by cow, they named village as Ba’s Tong (Ba means cow, Tong meaning seen and Ba’I refers to by cow in Dzalakha). Furthermore, we can still observe that the people of Yangtse and Baptong speaks same language called Dzalakha.

Yuelkang Lhakhang is located middle of the Village and it contains sacred relics called Nyongka (stupa) which is left by Tibetan Terton Lama Zhangpa. Initially Lama Zhangpa has installed this treasure inside the Stupa but latter people built small temple in place of Stupa and Nyongka was placed inside the wooden Stupa and keptkept in Lhakhang. Recently the Lhakhang was fully renovated and Nyongka was installed inside the statue of Amitabha for Security reason. In olden days when people need rain at their village, they use to pour water on Stupa and ultimately rain falls but now it is not happening as the relics was placed inside the statue.

Nyongka (Main Relics of Yuelkang Lhakhang)

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